January 28, 2012

100 Days to Change Your Life

What happened to me??? I've been asking myself that almost every single day. When my husband met me more than six years ago, I was such a different person. I was fun, outgoing, sure of myself, I was 100 pounds and I had a plan for my life. I knew exactly what I was going to be. 
2011 was suppose to be a good year. I was working in a firm and was making great money. I liked my job and it seemed like I was going to grow with this company. Because of my career my husband and I decided to move closer to the business which meant moving an hour away from my friends and family. 
For most people moving away from family is not a big deal, but for me it was. I'm Mexican and our culture we are codependent of our families. We live together for as long as we can. My older sister didn't leave the house until she was 30 years old. Even now, her family lives 15 minutes away from my parents. Leaving the nest was what I always wanted to do, but I didn't realize how hard it would be. 
Recently married in 2011, my husband and I moved to the city of Chicago. The one place I've always wanted to be in. We are only an hour away from my family but it seems like we are states away.
2010 to early 2011 life was great. Things were coming together until one day I was let go from my company without warning. The blame was the economy and my life was turned up side down. As I went home I made up my mind that I was only going to give myself a week to mourned. I cried for about 8 days and than started my job search. I was sure that I would find myself a new job within a week. Six months later I found myself still unemployed and in a pretty bad shape. 
Somehow in the six months I had become someone that's not me. It's been hard to give myself a reason to wake up in the mornings and I've found myself eating for fun. I've lost interested in the world around me. Since our move to the city I haven't made a single friend and I don't really leave the house. It's sad to be in such a great city and not take advantage of it but I can't blame anyone but myself. 
As the new year started I really wanted to break free from the prison I created for myself.  Not as a new year's resolution but I need to start living again. I'm too young to watch life go by. So, I made a challenge for myself. I've given myself 100 days to change. I  challenged myself to lose weight, find a job and start living again.
My start date is Monday, January 30th 2012. I plan to start the weight loss and change the things that I don't like about myself. For one, I need to get out of the house and see the city I live in. 

I decided to keep a blog about this for 2 reasons:
 1. To keep track of my process 
 2. Have someone to answer to

So let's see what happens. 


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