January 29, 2012

Weekly Workout Plan Checklist

As I said before, Monday is the day I start my new workout plan and diet plan. I'm all about lists so I decided that the best way to keep track of the things to do is by checking the web to look for a weekly workout plan checklist. I haven't worked about in about 2 months so I know I'm going to be slow starting things out and I have to be okay with that.

The best thing for me is to have a list of things I have to do. I found a website called http://www.realsimple.com, which has a weekly workout plan checklist. Some of the things on here seem like it's things I can do. The day starts of with 30 minutes of walking but I think I should do more. Second day you work on your arms and than abs and so on. I can't wait to get started. 

One of the hardest things for me is to keep motivated. I hate going to the gym and looking at people who are older than me and in better shape. I wanted to go in there and run on the treadmill for an hour and do hundred sit-ups but the fact is that I'm out of shape. I've let myself go and I have to start from zero. 

Here is what I'm starting with on week #1 & #2:

Monday- 1 hour of cardio
Tuesday- work on arms
Wednesday- 1 hour of cardio 
Thursday-Abs and Obliques
Friday- 1 hour cardio 
Saturday- Free day
Sunday- Lower body workout

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